Brave writer second semester blues
Brave writer second semester blues

Lastly, don’t feel guilty for allowing yourself to have some free time. It may seem silly, but I swear nice weather is more healing than any medication.

brave writer second semester blues

I allowed myself to enjoy the little breeze as I walked to class, and took a few moments just to soak in fresh air. The beginning of last week was so cold and sad for me, but as the week progressed, the sun started to shine a little more.

brave writer second semester blues

But write down your goals and why they are so important to you! That helps keep things in perspective. When swamped in school work and clinical hours, it is hard to remember why you’re there in the first place. I try to do this at the start of every semester, but especially in the Spring semester.

brave writer second semester blues

Second, make a list of why your goals are so important.

Brave writer second semester blues